East Trent Benefice Facebook pages:-
- East Trent Churches (Community)
- Collingham Parish Churches (Community)
- Noisy Worship East Trent Benefice (Group)
And here are some links to other sites you may find useful
Just click the link to get a direct transfer to your choice:-
The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham
Communications & Mailings - on the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham website, including "Nifty Notes" & clergy mailings
Xiphos - a Bible study tool
Pray as you go - a daily prayer session, for MP3 players
NSRV - the Oremus Bible browser
Rehab 4 Addiction - Drug & Alcohol Rehab in and near Nottinghamshire
Collingham and District Local History Society
Stushie Art - Church bulletin covers and other art by artist Stushie (John Stuart). Frequently seen on the cover of Grapevine!
Here are some useful e-mail addresses - again click the appropriate link to launch your e-mail application:-
Medical Centre:
East Trent Churches: Editor
Fleet Magazine: Editor
Keep in touch: Revd. Mandy Cartwright